Friday, March 20, 2009

Podcast Script and Pictures

___________________Poverty vs. Luxury________ Name of Show

Complete Show Length in minutes: ____6 1/2____________

Episode 1: Topic Poverty vs Luxury: The Dominican Republic ______________________________________________________________________
Intro Music Clip: Title: _Paradise: Vanessa Carlton________________________________________________ Minutes: ______1__
Intro: ____________________Minutes:___3_______
_______Hello! My name is and in this pod cast I will discuss the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is an island nation in the Caribbean. It is a beautiful tropical country, making it an attractive tourist spot. However, many people going to the Dominican for a vacation know nothing of the country other than its beauty. Economically, it is a low to middle income developing country and 30% of the people there live below the poverty line. Many people have little access to schooling, and many of those who do have access to not obtain a high school diploma. This is because many families are so poor the children have to work to help financially. Illnesses such as malaria, AIDS and Dengue, sicknesses we in the United States know little about, kill many people in the Dominican Republic. Crime such as drug cartels and prostitution (which is legal there) is increasing, especially in impoverished areas and among children. A friend of mine, Emily Storck, went to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip in February, and spent most of her time in poverty stricken areas helping out at 3 different orphanages. Seeing all of the commercials lately advertising cruises to the Dominican Republic angers her, saying “Almost every day on the way to the orphanages we would pass a port with a cruise ship, and so many people don’t know of the poverty”. _______________________________________________________________________

Segment Music Clip: Title: ___Lean on me: Vanessa Carlton___________________________________________ Minutes: ___1_____
Segment: __1__________________Minutes:______3____ _Missionaries go to poor countries and spread the word of God and bring things to help the poor people. Impoverished areas often have poor health care, and as a result many children are left homeless and parentless. Therefore, orphanages are founded. Orphanages are institutions centered on the care of parentless, poor children. There are many of these in the Dominican Republic, and on her trip Emily visited three of these. Emily attends a Catholic high school in Michigan, and went on the trip with some classmates and other Catholic members of her church. She learned about this trip through a presentation given by a man who volunteers to go to the Dominican Republic and build these orphanages several times a year. Emily and her group visited these orphanages, bringing clothing, toys, and crafts to the kids living there. She says the kids “didn’t expect gifts, they just wanted someone to play with”. The children were happy with what little they had, because “they didn’t know any differently…they didn’t know they were poor, the orphanage was all they knew”. The trip made her more aware of the poverty of countries like the Dominican Republic, and this awareness is why she is so angered by the advertisements for luxury vacatiEnd Segment Music Clip: Title: _____Aretha Franklin: Respect______________________________________ Minutes: _15 seconds_______
Ending: ____________________Minutes:_____30 sec_____
Going on a mission trip is extraordinary, and takes an extraordinary person. People in thriving societies often forget that there are countries of the world not so well off. Many people are so focused on their own lives that they don’t think twice about the countries they are visiting when they go on luxury cruises and vacations. The importance of this pod cast is not to make people feel guilty about taking a vacation, but to inform them and encourage them to be aware of the poverty of others. It is to encourage a special person to consider taking a mission trip to a country like the Dominican Republic and helping some orphans and donating the an orphanage instead of taking a cruise. Hopefully this experience will encourage you to think twice!

Ending Music Clip: Title: ______Paradise-Vanessa Carlton__________________________________________ Minutes: ____20 seconds___