Thursday, February 12, 2009

Project 2 Draft

I have so far only found two articles that I really liked and wanted to use for my project. Therefore, this draft is only based on those two articles. Also, I did not cite the articles correctly yet, but I got both from the library research center and ProQuest. I want to see if I can find another article that is related to the others, but maybe takes a different approach. The articles I have found are both interesting and factual, but do not have a lot of points that were totally unfamiliar to me as a reader, and I don't know how unfamiliar they would be to another reader. I'd like to find one that tells an unknown story, or a fact that most people would find totally surprising.

I am a history major, and therefore I looked for academic historical articles. I had originally wanted to use European historical articles since that it what I am most interested in, but they were difficult to find. My grandpa fought in World War 2, so I decided to go there next. I came across these articles about the Holocaust and genocide. Last semester in Comp 105 we spent a few days discussing and reading about genocide cases, and had to read an article about genocide currently happening in the world, since many people think the Holocaust is the only example there is.

The first article is about the Holocaust in Hungary. It explains that the affects of the Holocaust did not reach Hungary until later in the war. For the majority of the war, there were only laws restricting the Jewish people. However, near the end, Hitler began pressuring the Hungarian government to deport the Jewish population to concentration camps. The author of this article, Stark, uses a lot of statistics and debates a lot of the commonly assumed statistics of the war.

The second article is about the Nazi policy. It explains that the Nazis were attempting to justify the genocide of the Jewish people by claiming they were trying to obtain justice. Also, many "good" German people supported Hitler and his race purification policies. Hitler did not rise to power originally as a dictator; he has the support of the people at the beginning. Also, the concentration camps began as work camps, and eventually progressed into basic extermination camps. The pace of this depended on the population of the area, meaning in areas where there was more resistance to the Holocaust and the capture of the Jewish people, this process was slower.


  1. I really think you have a great start to your draft. You have a lot of information that new about the holocaust that I never knew about. If you expand on the two articles that you have know would real add to the article. Also, I'm a big fan of history. Keep up the good work!

  2. I like the concept and it is very interesting. There are a lot of misunderstanding about the holocaust. You gave a lot of information that I did not know about, in this essay. If you put all of why,where,what,who,when, and how it would be much better essay, yet still a good one!
