Monday, April 27, 2009

Microserfs: Generation Y

The Impact of “Generation Y”

A study that is on the rise is the study of the internet generation, and how the way they have been raised and the technology with which they have grown up has affected the generation as a whole. This technologically savvy generation is distinctly different from generations prior to it. The members of this generation are starting to come of age, entering the world of college, the workforce, and being able to vote. They are more politically active than other generations before them. People are beginning to wonder how this generation will affect the world, and because of this they have become a hot topic of discussion, debate, and research.

Several names are given to this generation, but all have the same basic definition. Whether they are called “First Digitals,” “Echo Boomers,” “Generation Y,” or “Millennials”, this generation is on the rise and will soon become the dominant generation. They are the children of the “baby boomers” or “generation x”, which are common names given to the generation born in the immediate years following World War Two. For the most part this generation is opposite of their parents’ generation in terms of politics, values, and ambitions. Considered to some as “generation x on steroids” (, Generation Y is an ambitious generation full of self confidence. Generation Y sees life as full of opportunities for them, and finds no reason that they should not succeed in every goal they aim for.

Generation Y consists of individuals born between 1981 and 1997. There are between 80 and 95 million people in this generation, and those people are beginning to come of age. They are graduating high school, going to college, and entering the workforce all at one time. As Generation X ages, Generation Y will become the dominant generation in America, ruling politics, economics, and the workforce. Statistically by the year 2010, “Millennials will outnumber both Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers and will be the most significant consumer sector for the media & entertainment industries” (millenialsconference). Generation Y, or “millenials”, already spend $170 billion a year on consumer goods, and the majority of the generation is not yet 30 years old. Because of this, those in the marketing business are trying to come up with new tactics to reach this generation. Generation Y expects more, so the typical 30 second commercials that have attracted consumers in the past are no longer going to cut it. This age group spends a lot of time on the internet, and tends to be more drawn to a product that they see on a celebrity than to one they see on television. Also, being a generation of ambition, these young men and women like to find products on their own as if on accident then to have advertisement shoved down their throats. However, despite the money spent on consumer goods, this generation does not look as though it will follow in the footsteps of Generation X, with high debt and little savings. In a survey conducted by the Diversified Investment Advisors of Purchase in New York, it was reported that “37 percent of Generation Y members expect to start saving for retirement before they reach 25, with 49 percent who say retirement benefits are very important when accepting a position” ( This is promising, especially because Generation Y is proving to be more politically involved than youth of the past.

The young adults of Generation Y are concerned with worsening economic conditions in the United States. They are aware that the worsening economy may lower their job prospects, and the job field will become more competitive with so many people going to college and earning a higher education. They are also concerned with health care and retirement benefits, and feel major changes need to be made to the health care system, and “The American Progress study found that Millennials are more likely to support universal health coverage than any other age group over the past 30 years” (New York Times). Generation Y will be responsible to pay for the debt of their parents. Millenials, or Generation Y, also tend to lean politically to the left, while Generation X has a tendency to support conservative, right-wing policies. This difference promises a lot of political change in the years to come, as more of this generation reaches the voting age.

The social experiences of Generation Y are very different then every before in American History. There is an increased security in schools with situations such as the shooting at Columbine High School. At many schools children are required to wear or carry I.D tags at all times. Children are increasingly spending more time at school with after school programs and sports teams, so school has a more important role in everyday life than ever before. Even simple things like cafeteria food are changing. With obesity being such a problem in America, schools and parents are monitoring what children eat from a young age. This used to be something that was taken care of at home, but healthy eating is not as high of a concern in the home as it used to be. The increased time spent in schools and afterschool programs have made members of Generation Y more racially and culturally accepting than generations of the past. Many young people are joining Gay Rights and other equality groups in support of their peers. Things that were once shunned and hushed up are now being talked about openly due to the acceptance this generation has.

One important thing that Generation Y has grown up with that no generation before has ever experienced is regular, on demand internet access. The internet provides endless sources of information instantly. The importance of the internet and the new emergence of it in the world and its impact on Generation Y is demonstrated, although maybe slightly over-exaggerated, in Coupland’s Microserfs. The main characters in the story are members of Generation Y who are having their entire lives affected by the internet. With the internet came the downloading of music, e-mail, instant messaging, and the emergence of social networking websites. Almost every member of this group has a cell phone, an IPod, and has played a video game. These things have helped this generation to become excellent multi-taskers, able to do several things at once without thinking twice. These things reach outside of the United States, and stretch to a world-wide community.

Overall, Generation Y was raised differently then their parents, Generation X. People of this generation are very ambitious and have sufficient goals for the future. In some ways, Generation Y actually parallels the generation of their grandparents. Like those born in the early 20th century, Generation Y wants to be respected, do the best they can, and avoid disappointing the people around them. The rebellion of the last generation with the counter-culture revolution has been replaced by traditional values and people striving to follow the rules. They work very hard, and want to succeed. This generation is used to being catered to, and they are “protected and polished, they are trophy children in every sense of the word” (CBS News). This, however, has lead to young people being less independent and more willing to conform to groupthink ideals, and "this is a generation that has long aimed to please. They've wanted to please their parents, their friends, their teachers, their college admissions officers" (CBS News). But some think that this may not be such a good thing. When speaking to a CEO of a major corporation on new employees, Dr. Mel Levine found that the major characteristics of young employees, according to the CEO, are that 'They can't think long-range. Everything has to be immediate, like a video game’ (CBS News). They aren’t used to delayed gratification, which may be difficult when it comes to job competition for this generation in the future.

I believe that many of these things are true to a certain extent. Almost all of my friends have completed high school and are now in college, ready to earn degrees and enter the job force. As far as advertisement goes, I know that I personally hardly have any time to watch T.V and rarely pay attention to commercials. I hear more about a popular product when I go on or read a magazine because a popular celebrity has used it or is promoting it. Also, I agree that young people are much more aware of things going on in the world and are watching the news more. During election time last November, kids all over Dearborn’s campus were advocating their candidates of choice and discussing the issues. I noticed that for the most part, the students did tend to lean toward the left. Although that was not my personal feeling, I was one of the few who expressed conservative views.

I was very involved in my high school, and am also very involved on Dearborn’s campus. It has always seemed to me like kids were always spending extra times at school doing after school activities, and I had never really thought of that fact that it may not have always been that way. I agree that the young adults of today are very interested in college and career pursuits, and are used to having a plan and following it. However, I know plenty of people who do not have a plan, and I don’t think the concept of having life planned out and expecting instant gratification applies to everyone. It may be a common stereotype of the group as a whole, but it is important to keep in mind that stereotypes are not always true, and therefore do not apply to all people. I am interested to see how people reflect upon our “Generation Y” after we have all grown up, and the differences a new generation will bring.

Works Cited
Coupland, Douglas. Microserfs. New York: HarperCollins, 1996.
Herbert, Robert. “Here Come the Millennials”. The New York Times May 13th, 2008.
Accessed 24 April 2009.
< >

Leung, Rebecca. “The Echo Boomers”. CBS News September 4, 2005. Accessed 24 April, 2009.
< >

The Millennials. September 27, 2007. The Millennials Conference. New York City.
Accessed 25 April 2009.< >

“Understanding Generation Y”. The Oberlin Review. December 8, 2006. Accessed 24 April 2009.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Activity 3

Which time period do you belong in?

Your religion is: A. Whichever religion my king is.
B. Catholic
C. I am a reformer
D. I’m not really a religious person.

Your job is: A. A warrior
B. A trader
C. A farmer
D. An engineer

You read: A. Read? I can’t read.
B. I I have important things read to me.
C. I read and discuss religious texts.
D. I read often

Your education: A. None.
B. None, or very little.
C. I’ve learned what I needed to.
D. High school or higher.


1). Mostly A’s: You belong in the early middle ages. You enjoy simple living.
2) Mostly B’s: You belong in the 13th century. You do and know what you have to.
3) Mostly C’s: You belong in the 15th-17th centurys. You are interested in changes and independent thought.
4) Mosty D’s: You belong in the modern era. Your biggest concern is current events and how they will affect tomorrow.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Podcast Script and Pictures

___________________Poverty vs. Luxury________ Name of Show

Complete Show Length in minutes: ____6 1/2____________

Episode 1: Topic Poverty vs Luxury: The Dominican Republic ______________________________________________________________________
Intro Music Clip: Title: _Paradise: Vanessa Carlton________________________________________________ Minutes: ______1__
Intro: ____________________Minutes:___3_______
_______Hello! My name is and in this pod cast I will discuss the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is an island nation in the Caribbean. It is a beautiful tropical country, making it an attractive tourist spot. However, many people going to the Dominican for a vacation know nothing of the country other than its beauty. Economically, it is a low to middle income developing country and 30% of the people there live below the poverty line. Many people have little access to schooling, and many of those who do have access to not obtain a high school diploma. This is because many families are so poor the children have to work to help financially. Illnesses such as malaria, AIDS and Dengue, sicknesses we in the United States know little about, kill many people in the Dominican Republic. Crime such as drug cartels and prostitution (which is legal there) is increasing, especially in impoverished areas and among children. A friend of mine, Emily Storck, went to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip in February, and spent most of her time in poverty stricken areas helping out at 3 different orphanages. Seeing all of the commercials lately advertising cruises to the Dominican Republic angers her, saying “Almost every day on the way to the orphanages we would pass a port with a cruise ship, and so many people don’t know of the poverty”. _______________________________________________________________________

Segment Music Clip: Title: ___Lean on me: Vanessa Carlton___________________________________________ Minutes: ___1_____
Segment: __1__________________Minutes:______3____ _Missionaries go to poor countries and spread the word of God and bring things to help the poor people. Impoverished areas often have poor health care, and as a result many children are left homeless and parentless. Therefore, orphanages are founded. Orphanages are institutions centered on the care of parentless, poor children. There are many of these in the Dominican Republic, and on her trip Emily visited three of these. Emily attends a Catholic high school in Michigan, and went on the trip with some classmates and other Catholic members of her church. She learned about this trip through a presentation given by a man who volunteers to go to the Dominican Republic and build these orphanages several times a year. Emily and her group visited these orphanages, bringing clothing, toys, and crafts to the kids living there. She says the kids “didn’t expect gifts, they just wanted someone to play with”. The children were happy with what little they had, because “they didn’t know any differently…they didn’t know they were poor, the orphanage was all they knew”. The trip made her more aware of the poverty of countries like the Dominican Republic, and this awareness is why she is so angered by the advertisements for luxury vacatiEnd Segment Music Clip: Title: _____Aretha Franklin: Respect______________________________________ Minutes: _15 seconds_______
Ending: ____________________Minutes:_____30 sec_____
Going on a mission trip is extraordinary, and takes an extraordinary person. People in thriving societies often forget that there are countries of the world not so well off. Many people are so focused on their own lives that they don’t think twice about the countries they are visiting when they go on luxury cruises and vacations. The importance of this pod cast is not to make people feel guilty about taking a vacation, but to inform them and encourage them to be aware of the poverty of others. It is to encourage a special person to consider taking a mission trip to a country like the Dominican Republic and helping some orphans and donating the an orphanage instead of taking a cruise. Hopefully this experience will encourage you to think twice!

Ending Music Clip: Title: ______Paradise-Vanessa Carlton__________________________________________ Minutes: ____20 seconds___

Monday, February 23, 2009

Activity 2-Shape Poem

Elizabeth Barret Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use. In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.

I chose this poem by Elizabeth Barret Browning because I think it is an amazing poem and it is familiar to many people, so I thought it would be easy to understand. I did not want to choose a basic shape like a heart, because I felt that it was too easy and did not express the poem accurately. The poem does mention the sun and candle-light, so in the most basic way this represents a small part of the poem. However, the poem also talks about faith, grace, God, purity, etc, and I feel that since a candle is to many people a religious symbol, I thought that it fit the poem. I got the candle image from Microsoft word and I formatted the words over the candle image, changing the sizes and fonts and spacing to curve the words around the image. I then colored the font of the words to that of the candle, and after I was finished I moved the actual candle away from the words. I placed them side by side. I had to take a screen capture because I was having a really hard time getting it to save correctly and then putting it on here without completely messing up the shape poem.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Project 2 Revised

I have made a lot of changed from my rough draft to my final. The only thing that I did not change was my topic, which was Holocaust and genocide. I used two of the same articles from my draft, but I also chose one more. The first two from my draft were on the Jewish Holocaustand my third was about a little known Holocaust in the Ukraine in the two decades leading up to the second world war. I included more detail in my final, using who, what, when, where, why and how. I also used quotes and statistics. I included the author's name and a works cited page. I changed the order of the paragraphs. In my draft, the Nazi policy paragraph came second, but in my final it was first. The first article in my draft became my second, and I added a third. I used the same basics in my intro, but I edited it some. My first draft was very informal. My final was much more formal with better grammar and better formatting.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Project 2 Draft

I have so far only found two articles that I really liked and wanted to use for my project. Therefore, this draft is only based on those two articles. Also, I did not cite the articles correctly yet, but I got both from the library research center and ProQuest. I want to see if I can find another article that is related to the others, but maybe takes a different approach. The articles I have found are both interesting and factual, but do not have a lot of points that were totally unfamiliar to me as a reader, and I don't know how unfamiliar they would be to another reader. I'd like to find one that tells an unknown story, or a fact that most people would find totally surprising.

I am a history major, and therefore I looked for academic historical articles. I had originally wanted to use European historical articles since that it what I am most interested in, but they were difficult to find. My grandpa fought in World War 2, so I decided to go there next. I came across these articles about the Holocaust and genocide. Last semester in Comp 105 we spent a few days discussing and reading about genocide cases, and had to read an article about genocide currently happening in the world, since many people think the Holocaust is the only example there is.

The first article is about the Holocaust in Hungary. It explains that the affects of the Holocaust did not reach Hungary until later in the war. For the majority of the war, there were only laws restricting the Jewish people. However, near the end, Hitler began pressuring the Hungarian government to deport the Jewish population to concentration camps. The author of this article, Stark, uses a lot of statistics and debates a lot of the commonly assumed statistics of the war.

The second article is about the Nazi policy. It explains that the Nazis were attempting to justify the genocide of the Jewish people by claiming they were trying to obtain justice. Also, many "good" German people supported Hitler and his race purification policies. Hitler did not rise to power originally as a dictator; he has the support of the people at the beginning. Also, the concentration camps began as work camps, and eventually progressed into basic extermination camps. The pace of this depended on the population of the area, meaning in areas where there was more resistance to the Holocaust and the capture of the Jewish people, this process was slower.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Visual Composition

I decided to use a slideshow presentation because I felt that it could really show how bad diseases can get, but what great things can come out of finding vaccinations for them. It was a fun visual with a lot of color that grabs the attention. The captions I chose were the most basic things I could think of that would really get the point across, while leaving out excess information that would distract the viewer from the pictures.

Project 1

There are many things in life that humans have the ability to control. Illness however, is usually not one of them. Disease has been a part of human reality since the beginning of time. Although diseases have faded and developed over the years, it is a worry that bonds everyone together. Humans of today have amazing technology and science is making things possible that most people never would have dreamed of. One of these things that science has created that is recent in terms of human history is vaccinations. Vaccination is the administration of antigenic material to produce immunity to a disease (

Although vaccines do not cure disease, they have a very high rate of success in preventing them. In the thousands of years before the creation and use of vaccines, a disease could wipe out hundreds of thousands of people in a short time, and there was nothing that could be done about it. For example, in the 14th century the bubonic plague became a pandemic and claimed the lives of nearly a third of the world population ( In the early 20th century, a polio epidemic maimed over 27,000 people and killed over 6,000 in the U.S alone ( However, since these times, these diseases are not seen as threatening. This lack of concern is due to the increasing success of vaccinations.

Unfortunately, this lack of concern is mostly just in the Western world. In third world countries such as Africa, these diseases are very much a part of everyday life. Neglected tropical diseases such as hookworm and trachoma kill and handicap thousands, causing blindness and malnutrition ( What many people fail to realize is that these diseases are usually 100% preventable. However, most of these countries cannot afford the research to find cures and vaccinations for prevention. They are overlooked by those of the Western world. Recently, it has been argued that vaccinations are useless and dangerous. The danger lies in this thinking, and not in the vaccinations.
When a vaccine is taken, the immune system of the body produces antibodies that weaken and destroy disease causing bacteria. It builds up a bodies’ resistance to the disease, so if later in life a person comes into contact with the bacteria the body already knows how to fight it (Farlex dictionary). Since almost all children in the West nowadays are vaccinated, diseases are nearly unheard of. However, if some people stop being vaccinated, there are gaps in this system. The more gaps there are, the more people are less immune and more susceptible to harmful, life threatening diseases. The diseases did not cease to exist; they still exist in our modern world, just not where we live. The fact that they are still in existence means that as soon as resistance goes down, people can be infected. Diseases that are seemingly gone can again spread and run rapid, killing thousands. This is why it is important that all children be vaccinated, and that there is increased funding for disease research, prevention, and vaccination creation.

The Vaccines for Children program is a United States federally funded program that provides free vaccinations to children whose parents could otherwise not afford to vaccinate them. It is a part of each state’s Medicaid plan ( Programs like this are important to stop the spread of disease world wide. Increased funding for these programs and research is necessary. A country’s job is to protect its’ people. This is not just in the form of physical protection, but also in the way of preventing illness that could affect everyone. Programs such as this and vaccine research funding is about saving human life. I chose to advocate this program because human life is very important to me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Project One Proposal

I have decided to advocate the continuation and increase of government funding for the research and distribution of vaccinations. I chose this project because while writing a paper for comp 105 I did a lot of research similar to this topic and it became very important to me. Through my research I realized the importance of vaccinations and how the availability of them has changed history and the course of human life. Many epidemics that used to kill thousands have been nearly wiped out; some of these diseases are virtually unknown to us. Even less serious illnesses that our parents got as children are ones we have never experienced due to vaccinations. My grandmother had polio when she was 5, and if the vaccine for it had been available sooner she might not have spent every summer until she was 13 in the hospital getting surgery done on her legs, and walking might not have been such a struggle for her all her life. Diseases such as these may seem foreign to us, but they still exist elsewhere in the world, which means if vaccines are stopped or are less common the diseases CAN still spread again. They can run rapid and become epidemics again, and today's generation has no natural resistance except for the vaccinations they had as children. If funding for research stops or slows, new diseases can develop and spread wildly, with no resitance and no cure. The result could be the death or maiming of millions of people worldwide. A country's job is to take care of its people, and this includes not just health care but health prevention. This is why the increased and continued funing for vaccination research is so important.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Screen Capture Reflection

Prior to this assignment I didn't know that you could take a picture of your screen. Getting the hang of it was difficult; it took me a few tries to get it right and post it on my blog. I think that it is a really great way to capture everything you're doing at once, and it can be used to capturing everything you're working with for a project at the same time. I think it would be a great way to document your hard work, and show to others the things you use daily or for a project. Composing on the computer is a lot different then hand-written or voal work. Composing and working with the computer allows you to be more detailed and conduct better research. Typing allows you to say more easily what you're trying to present to others, and it gives you the opportunity to edit and revise without completely starting over. The internet contains thousands of sources at a person's disposal for researching purposes, and allows a person to put their ideas out there for others to see, on things such as websits or blogs. Digital imaging and editing techniques really help people to be more creative and to express themselves in their own way. Digital imaging techniques twist the typical printed picture and allow the expression to be so much more powerful. The only way to better understand digital processes such as this is to work with it ourselves. Applying our own creativity allows us to express ourselves to others and to become more comfortable with internet processes. The more we work with the digital composing process, the better we can understand others, express ourseleves, and make our own work more powerful.

Screen Capture